Competition T&C’s
Terms and conditions.
1. The term “songwriter” or “songwriters” shall be deemed to mean the
author of the music and the author of the lyrics.
2. The song must not have been performed in public in front of a live
audience or on any social media platform before the announcement of
the finalists in the competition.
3. The competition is open to all and everyone, amateur and professionals.
4. The competition is open to anyone anywhere in the world.
5. The parameters of the competition, of the song itself is paramount; the
key components must include;
A good, solid melody with strong supporting bass line. It can be in verse
and chorus or two-three verses without chorus. This is an ANTHEM.
People must be able to learn it easily by ear and be able to sing it in
social settings without requiring too much effort to learn.
It must have multiple references to Monaghan, whether historical, its
posts and writers of note (living or dead). The song needs to reflect the
inherent nature of aspects of Monaghan. The song should ultimately be
in praise of Monaghan.
6. The song entered must be BROADCAST ready…. of a standard that would
be eligible for any radio station playlist. It must be formatted on either
Protools, Logic or similar platform. The song must be submitted via MP3,
MP4, WAV or similar to the address (and only the nominated address)
given in the guidelines.
7. There is no limitation to the songs entered but all songs must be wholly
original and exceed no more than 3 mins 30 seconds in length.
8. Plagiarism of any kind will automatically disqualify.
9. Canvassing of any member of adjudication panel will also disqualify.
10. entries must be submitted by the closing date February 28th 2022.
11. All entries must be submitted to Thanks