Runner up junior section

     If Pigs could fly by Eva Mason aged 11


   In Muckno Park, there are two families of wild pigs. There is Wilburt and his little brother Jeremy. His dad, Big Tom,  his mum, Margo. In the other family there are twins John and Johnny, their little brother Joey and their parents.


    John and Johnny loved crisps and arguing. They once argued over who started their argument hobby.  Joey and Jeremy loved chasing dogs and then dancing with ducks for some reason. Wilburt had a secret habit of doing gymnastics. I'm not too sure why it's secret, maybe because the idea of a pig in a leotard is just too weird to talk about openly.


  One hot day, Wiburt was doing a head stand in the bushes when he heard John and Johnny arguing. "I dare you to jump from the hill over the bypass to the other side of the road," said John. " Only if you do it first, " replied Johnny. "Deal," said John. Wilburt thought they were mad. Wild pigs could barely jump off the ground. But perhaps they could jump long distances easily. It sounded silly but maybe, after all pigs aren't exactly known for being gymnasts!


 The twins went off arguing to find their mom. Wilburt crept after them. They found her sunbathing by the lake. "Mom," said John, " I'm turning 18 next month-," " Your turning 10 next Tuesday John honey, " interrupted his mum, not even opening her eyes.  "The answer is no to your question by the way," Johnny got down on his stomach and begged "Please mum let us walk to the hill above the bypass".


 " No, " said his mum. " Please, " begged  the twins in unsion.   "I suppose then just this one time, since you seem to be in agreement for once".  "Thank you," said Johnny. "But. You need to bring Wilburt, Joey and Jeremy," said his mum.


"Uh-fine," sulked John. Wilburt dawdled up them . "Joey, Jeremy!" yelled Johnny. Joey and Jeremy trotted up looking angelic. Yes they had been doing their hobby. "We're going for a walk" said John.


 The young pigs set off towards the hill in silence.  Wilburt pondered whether he could delay Johnny and John, so he could be the first one to jump across the bypass. If he was the first, they might make him a statue. There was a statue of his dad outside the courthouse, but who-ever done it wasn't very good because it looked like a human. But he knew it was his dad because his name was Big Tom.


 The pigs soon reached the hill. Joey and Jeremy saw a tractor and went to investigate. The others trotted to the brow of the hill.


 Wilburt looked down.  It was a long way down. It was a very long way down. Cars sped past far below. "You first," said John, turning to his twin. "No after you," said Johnny. They began to argue, again.


 Wilburt knew this was his chance. He took a run and leapt. He soared through the air, he felt like an eagle.   He could imagine himself touching down on the other side. He felt the wind beneath him, rushing beneath his wings and -wings? Pigs don't have wings.


Suddenly, he found himself crashing to the ground. Shutting his eyes tight, he landed in the middle of the road on the white line. He was petrified. Cars whizzed past, just inches away from him. Seconds had passed since he landed but it felt like hours.


Suddenly, there was a crashing noise from the hill he leapt from. Wilburt opened his eyes and looked up. It was a tractor, hurtling down the hill towards him with Johnny at the wheel.


 Cars drew to a halt as the tractor came towards him. John, Joey  and Jeremy were sticking their heads out the window. 'Uh-oh,' thought Wilburt. The tractor swerved sideways just an inch in front of his nose.  John, Joey and Jeremy yanked him in as they sped past.


 "Thanks," said Wilburt, catching his breath. " Any time, " said John. "It was all my idea obviously," said Johnny. "Excuse me," said John. "Anyone fancy a Concra?" asked Joey, before things got heated. " Yes, " chorused the others as they sped up the opposite hill.  Johnny steered the tractor towards Concra.


 "You know," said Johnny, as they turned into the Concra driveway. " I could be a Formula One driver some day." John grunted in disbelief. Johnny easily parked the tractor and the pigs all got out. "We don't have any money," said John. " Don't worry, " piped up Jeremy " I can charm a waitress. " "Go for it little bro," grinned Wilburt. Jeremy trotted in.


 John and Johnny started arguing over possession of a keyring they found on the ground. Wilburt showed Joey how to do a headstand.  Fortunately, Jeremy came back out with a waitress before Joey could break any bones.


"Come this way," said the waitress, leading them inside. Wilburt smiled, his brother could really turn on the charm when he wanted.


They sat down and the waitress took their orders. John and Johnny agreed on a vegetarian pizza and diet coke. Which was good because no one wanted to hear pigs arguing over what food they were ordering. Wilburt had garlic mushrooms and sprite. Joey and Jeremy had two portions of chips each. Wilburt didn't let them get  fizzy drinks because no one wanted to hear two pigs running around with a sugar rush.


The waitress hung around their table, chatting to Jeremy. After they were finished, (they all had chocolate ice cream for dessert.) Jeremy asked the waitress for a lift home. She was thrilled and happily drove them home. Wilburt was beside Jeremy in the car and Jeremy whispered, "It was my idea to drive the tractor down the hill to save you by the way," Wilburt grinned. John and Johnny were still arguing over the keyring so they didn't hear. When they reached the lake, the waitress waved them goodbye and drove off. The pigs ran to tell their parents about their escapade.


So what happened after that? Jeremy showed visitors to Muckno how to chase dogs like a pro. Joey broke 10 bones from attempting a head stand. He got a world record for most bones broken in a day, blowing the previous record of 4 out of the water.


Johnny did become a Formula One driver. I'm pleased to say he was a huge success. John started a crisp company called Spuddys, which was also a massive success. Wilburt became a professional gymnast. Joey and Jeremy started a dance show called Dancing with the Ducks. John and Johnny still argue when they have the chance.


Oh and the tractor is on display beside Wilburt's statue which does look like a pig, of course Wilburt is delighted with it. I wonder how the story would have ended if Wilburt had realised pigs can fly?


Joint runner up ; Beth Irwin


Runner up story The Flying Pig