The Ride of Your Life!
This is a first! The inaugural road trip for the ladies on a back of a harley or similar big motorbike. We are looking for 100 ladies, the older the better!! who would like to enjoy a wee jaunt around gorgeous Monaghan countryside and relax in the saddle with a big tatooed hairy hound (only jokng!) No previous experience required.. infact, this is more like a “bucket list” event…. and we wish to raise €10k for Ronald Mc Donald House … they are in dire need of funds and as children in Crumlin hospital want and need their mammies and daddies near them, then its vital that RMHC can keep the show on the road and provide accommodation, food and other services for the families of our sick kids. Please donate via the QR code, or call 086 893 1953 to book a seat on a bike. We woudl be happy to get as many out-of-town bikers to come and join us, and we hope to give you a complimenatry overnight stay on the 14th, so you can chillax and enjoy a weekend in Monaghan courtesy of the MAM team.