Stephen Kieran Ceramics

I am an experimental potter that often makes one of a kind items. This gives me a great sense of
discovery as often the results of each firing will have something new and unexpected to teach me. In
2009 I started a PLC in art and design here in Monaghan where I found I had a love for sculpture and
texture. This continued as I completed my BA fine art at IT Sligo. Over the years, as I focused more on
ceramics this influenced my work greatly as my pieces tend to lean towards lines and surface markings
in the clay as a prominent feature. This also allows me to change colour often wile keeping the structure
of my work as the continues theme.
I am also the potter for Mullan Ceramics, a new branch of Mullan Lighting. This has been an incredible
opportunity and I hope to continue working and developing my skill there for many years.
At the moment I have no studio open to visitors but can be contacted threw my website where viewings
can be arranged. I also take part in a local market in Glaslough at the end of each month. Some Items
are also available for sale on my website and the latest news and work can bee seen on Instagram.
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