The Mallon Gallery

Artistic Endeavours

Nestled among an abundance of flora and foliage in the middle of the historic village of Glaslough is the home of artists Joan and Joe Mallon, where they both pursue their individual artistic endeavours in perfect harmony in this picture perfect idyllic setting.

Joan who studied fashion and textiles at John Moores university subsequently established herself as a reputable artist and illustrator, her unique style of work has been exhibited in galleries throughout Ireland and abroad and is included in many public and private collections. As an illustrator Joan has taken on many commissions, including greeting cards posters, books and notably her interpretation of Patrick Kavanaghs poetry - The Great Hunger - on view at the Kavanagh Centre in Inniskeen.

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Visual Extravaganza

Joe also studied art at John Moores university where he completed a fine art degree specialising in ceramic sculpture.In 1991he set up the Art of clay studio in a shed at his home where he developed his unique style of studio ceramics.The broad range of work on view includes ceramic sculpture as well as interiors artefacts such as lamps, vases clocks dishs mugs platters etc. Joe has also shown his work in galleries,craft stores,and fairs throughout Ireland and the UK.

The house at the heart of their oasis of creativity was built in 1820 and throughout their 30 year residency in the building ,they have added to the 200 year history of the structure, without altering any of its intrinsic fabric. Visitors to the Mallon Gallery will be rewarded with a visual extravaganza where these artists combine their interests in antiques and curios with their own contemporary artwork and offer the discerning collector and browser the opportunity to purchase a rare and original artefact directly from the source of origin.


Find Out More…

For more information:

Joe Mallon - 087 6230317

Joan Mallon - 047 88363

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